Tux the Penguin reading books

FOSS Academic

Goodbye, Firefox?

I think I’m going to stop using Firefox altogether. It was a tiny little weather app that did it.

Firefox is no longer my default browser, and it has a sad face. I'm sad about it, too.
Firefox is no longer my default browser, and it has a sad face. I'm sad about it, too.

So, one day I opened a new tab in Firefox and there it was: a weather report. A tiny little temp reading for my area. I didn’t think about it much, but someone on the fediverse noted that this little weather app is sponsored by AccuWeather, a company long criticized for its attempt to privatize public weather information. Hovering over the little temp reading revealed this to be true – it said, “Sponsored by AccuWeather.”

And that broke me.

To be fair, it’s not the only thing. Like others, I’ve started to see privacy settings being reset every time I update Firefox. I set the default search to be Startpage instead of Google – an update wiped that and set it to Google, again. I set my homepage to not have Pocket or sponsored links – an update wiped that.

Pretty soon each new tab suggested I go to Facebook. Fucking Facebook.

Mozilla bashing has become kind of a common sport, so much so that one of my favorite podcasts, Late Night Linux, has gotten bored of doing it. But once I saw the little AccuWeather thingy, I started watching for critical comments on Mozilla. And I saw what many others have already pointed out:

My attitude towards these critical takes has long been to ignore them. “Whatever Mozilla wants to do is fine as long as they make a good browser,” I said to myself. But lately it seems like they’re actively trying to kill off Firefox rather than continuing to make a great browser.

The thing is, with all the papercuts, Firefox is still quite good. But this is FOSS. Forks are a thing. I’m now testing out LibreWolf, a privacy-conscious fork of Firefox, and so far, so good.

What’s sad about this, though, is that I’ve been using Firefox for nearly two decades – almost as long as Firefox has been around. It was my introduction point into the world of FOSS. First it, then OpenOffice, then Ubuntu, and now I run as much FOSS as I can.

Maybe I will come back to Firefox, but if not, I’m still grateful for its role in my career.

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