Tux the Penguin reading books

FOSS Academic

Two new alternative social media publications

I have two new alternative social media-related publications.

First, in The New Inquiry, I have an interview with Lameth, the creator and admin of the Tor-based social network Galaxy2. I’m really grateful to Lameth for all his insights into social media and the dark web. Galaxy2 is featured in the S-MAP. Even better, you ought to go to it (Tor Browser Bundle required).

Second, I have posted a forthcoming version of “The Case for Alternative Social Media,” a paper that will appear in a special issue of Social Media + Society. It draws on interviews with a variety of alternative social media makers and users. I’m trying to define alternative social media. I focus on their anti-advertising stances, their pedagogical features, and their experimentation with surveillance and democracy.

As always, feedback is welcome!

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